Refer new customers to PKF Smith Cooper Systems and get paid by Sage!
In the interests of generating more interest and opportunity for their software, Sage have launched a new referral scheme whereby they will reward non-Sage partners for generating opportunities that result in new business spend with Sage.
The core idea of the scheme is to engage with related businesses such as 3rd party software providers, managed service companies, accountants, web designers etc. However, any organisation based in the UK or Ireland can join. Thus, even an existing PKF Smith Cooper Systems or Sage customer can sign up and introduce potential customers to us via this program.
What’s in it for me?
Firstly, there is no fee to join the scheme and no limit on the amount of introductions you can make.
The financial reward is simply 10% of the year 1 net spend with Sage. For example, if an opportunity was generated with a year 1 spend with Sage of £20k, the referring business would get £2,000 for the introduction.
In addition to this, referral partners will also get access to free training materials via Sage University, co-branded marketing collateral and the option to access some of Sage’s in-house marketing tools.
If you are an accountant who cannot accept the referral reward, don’t worry! You can offer the rebate to the customer instead.

How do I get involved?
Signing up is very quick and easy.
Simply register your interest with us via the contact form or get in touch with us via the contact methods below. From there we will pass your details to the program owner at Sage who will contact you directly to complete the sign up.
As there is financial reward involved, there is a small bit of due diligence and an e-sign document to meet the requirements of Sage’s compliance team, but this won’t take much time at all. Sage will also send you a link to the lead registration form.
You will see when you get as far as the opportunity submission form, there is a box for you to state your preferred Sage Partner, where we would very much like you to state ‘PKF Smith Cooper Systems’!
See the FAQs section for more information, if you’re interested in the referral scheme and would like to find out more please call 01332 959008 or email [email protected].

Why work with PKF Smith Cooper Systems?
The Good Guys to Deal With
Our business is built on long lasting, mutually beneficial business relationships. We provide quality service and solutions that work for our clients in the short, medium, and long term.
Industry Experts
All our staff are fully accredited in the full range of the Sage 200 Suite and we will never sell you any third party add-on that our staff are not trained to deliver and support directly.
Book a FREE on-site visit to discuss how Sage can help scale your business.
Call 01332 959008 or enquire online today
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Sage Referral Scheme FAQs
What does the Sage Partner Referral Program allow me to do?
The Program allows you to get rewarded for passing prospective opportunities to Sage that result in a new subscription to Sage Intacct, Sage 200 or Sage X3. You can supply as many opportunities as you wish, meaning there’s no limit to the number of times you can get rewarded.
Will all opportunities be accepted?
Only opportunities that are a new introduction to Sage will be eligible for reward. Every submission will be validated to ensure the prospective customer is not already engaged in an existing opportunity with Sage. You’ll be notified within 10 working days to confirm if your submission has been accepted and passed validation checks.
When do I receive my referral fee?
If Sage completes a sale for Sage Intacct, Sage 200 or Sage X3 from your opportunity within a period of 12 months from the date of your referral, you’ll be notified of such sale within 30 days of the date of the sale. You should raise an appropriate invoice in a timely manner after your commission becomes due but no later than three (3) months following this date. Subject to clause 4.5 of your Referral Agreement, we will pay any due commission within 30 days of receipt of a valid invoice.
Will I receive any updates regarding my introduction?
Once submitted, Sage will contact you to let you know if your introduction has been accepted and validated. You’ll receive an update if the opportunity has resulted in a new subscription for Sage Intacct, Sage 200 or Sage X3. If no update is provided within 12 months of submission, the opportunity has not been successful.
Will you only accept opportunities for organisations that are already a Sage customer?
No – you can submit opportunities for any organisation where you feel a new Sage solution will help them run their business. No matter what software solution they’re using at present, your submission will still be validated in the usual manner.
What does validating my submission involve?
Sage will only pay commission for opportunities where the prospect customer is not already in discussions about purchasing a software solution from Sage. Note this may or may not be for the Sage solution you have referred the customer for. Sage will check their records to confirm if they have categorised your prospective customer as a genuine introduction and will provide written confirmation within 10 working days of submission.
Is it only Sage Intacct, Sage 200 and Sage X3 I can submit opportunities for?
Schedule 1 of your Referral Agreement will state the products included. Note you may have a separate Referral Agreement for alternative Sage products.
I have a question regarding one or more of the product features. Who can I contact?
If your question relates directly to an introduction that you will be submitting to Sage, please include details of the question in your submission. For example, if your prospect customer isn’t sure if the program can resolve a particular pain point, include that in the details. We can then investigate it further if your submission is validated.
If you have a more generic query, please contact us via email.