Cim50 for Sage 50

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Cim50 is a highly anticipated manufacturing software that integrates with Sage 50.

Cim50 is a modular system that provides you with all the tools to manage your manufacturing practices.

Cim50 integrates seamlessly with Sage 50, providing you with a variety of modules designed to assist your manufacturing business in achieving its production targets.

The standalone Sage 50 Manufacturing offering only allows you to record a single alternative manufacturing unit of measurement, but if you combine this with Cim50 you can add as many manufacturing units of measurement as necessary.

Supporting businesses across the UK

Ideal for companies with:

  • Need of visibility over various stock metrics

  • Manufacturing requirements

  • Non-traceable items that require stocktake

Key Software Features

  • Maintain multiple supplier records against a stock record, recording supplier part number.

  • Amend sales order despatches to allow you to adjust despatched quantities.

  • Inspect items and release back to free stock.

  • Ability to stocktake non-traceable items.

Cim50 is easy to use, has a modern user interface, provides powerful functionality and clear, easy-to-understand reporting.

With Cim50’s modular design you can pick and choose from a range of its powerful capabilities. Ensuring your production lines are always backed up by software that meets your needs.

Whether you are looking for advanced stock control, the ability to streamline and automate your sales and works orders, or the functionality to monitor your entire production cycle in detail, Cim50 can help.

This solution will revolutionise the way you operate and give you the control and confidence you need from your business-critical software.

Explore Cim50 for Sage 50 Module offerings

Stock control

Cim50 Stock Control is combined with the Sage 50 Stock module which tracks and maintains the items you sell, buy or manufacture.

Take advantage of this module to utilise traceability, quarantine, and the ability to amend sales order despatches or purchase order receipts.

Bill of Materials

This module offers the flexibility to choose what is right for your business.

Including a multi-level bill of materials, an audit log to track every change made, and ongoing costing history that captures material, labour and machine overheads.

Works Orders

The Works Orders module is for controlling your stock and ensuring goods are manufactured in time to dispatch to your customers.

Data is read from sales orders, sales forecasts, works orders and stock items.


Planning modules is key to overseeing your stock and ensuring that the goods are manufactured in time.

It reads from Sage 50 sales orders, sales forecasts, works orders and stock items.


Cim50 allows you to create quotations for manufactured items, configuring them from within the record itself, including non-stock items.

Therefore, defining multiple price breaks with automatic cost calculation, raise sales, purchase and works orders from within your quote and set up repeat service and miscellaneous items.

Shop Floor Data Capture (SFDC)

Cim50 SFDC module gives you the ability to process all stock transactions from the convenience of a handheld tablet or workshop desktop computer.

SFDC utilise the power of barcode scanning to streamline your production processes, stocktaking and resource management.

If you would like more information on Cim50 then send us an email at [email protected] or call us on 01332 959 008.

Most asked questions

  • Does Cim50 integrate with any other Sage products apart from Sage 50 Accounts?

    Cim50 is designed to integrate with Sage 50 Accounts only. Its functionality is similar to now retired Sage 50 Manufacturing, with more features to suit end-user needs.

  • Is Sage 50 manufacturing being retired?

    Sage 50 Manufacturing module will be fully retired as of October 2021, therefore, not available for purchase. PKF SCS is recommending the Cim50 modular system for Sage 50 Accounts users as an alternative.

  • Can Cim50 modules be combined with any other add-ons?

    The short answer is – No

    Cim50 is an add-on that integrates with Sage 50 Manufacturing, therefore, can’t be combined with any other add-ons. Cim50 can be only accessed by purchasing a subscription.

  • What’s the difference between Sage 50 Manufacturing and Cim50?

    Cim50 has more advanced functionality than Sage 50 Manufacturing. Cim50 is an innovative modular system that is made to integrated and improve Sage 50 Accounts.

  • Can you amend Sage 50 Accounts product record fields with Cim50?

    In Cim50, there is the ability to amend all Sage 50 account product record fields along with manufacturing fields on a single screen.

  • Can you configure traceability by Stock item with Cim50?

    You can configure traceability on an item by item basis with Cim50, defining whether an item is a batch or serial number traceable.

  • How many units of measurement can you add in Cim50?

    In Cim50 you can add as many manufacturing units of measure as you like.

Find out how Cim50 can streamline your business processes!

Call 01332 959008 or enquire online today

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