Sage for Construction

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The Construction industry is a key foundation industry to the UK economy and society at large

In its most well known context, Construction covers the processes involved in delivering buildings and infrastructure and associated activities through to the end of their life. It typically starts with a planning or design phase and and then continues through the various project phases until the job or contract is complete. Construction also covers repairs and maintenance work, for example works to expand, extend or improve an asset or structure.

As an industry sector, Construction accounts for more than 10% of global GDP and employs around 7% of the global workforce.

Unlike other sectors across the UK, the Construction consistently has potential to provide large numbers of high-skilled, well-paid jobs, resulting in huge impacts on communities across the UK.

As the sector transforms in line with new environmental requirements and legislation, you need a business partner that can meet these challenges and changes that your business faces.

PKF Smith Cooper Systems understand that your construction business will always have specialist industry-specific system requirements outside of standard accounts and order processing.

Jobs or Projects are almost always quoted on a Contract price basis, thus a software package that allows you to budget at multiple levels and then captures transactions against the relavent job cost head is essential. The ability to streamline processes between contractors, subcontractors and HMRC is equaly important.

We know that you will need the ability of the software to handle essential industry functionality such as CIS processing, applications for payment, retentions, cost to complete etc and we have solutions for all of these functions.

If you would like to find out more about how PKF Smith Cooper Systems can help your construction business, then call us on 01332 959008 or email [email protected]


What our clients have to say...

Smith Cooper has worked with us for many years. They have helped us put a Sage system in place that is perfectly tailored for our construction business and its specific needs. Through a culmination of tailoring the programme itself – and creating bespoke reports – we have everything we want in real-time at our fingertips.

Libby Price, Director at B Price
PKF Smith Cooper Systems Construction Icon

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