Meet Team PKF SCS: Sage Consultant

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Support, Sales, Consultancy, Marketing and Development. These are more than just departments at PKF Smith Cooper Systems – they are teams of people that have brought the company to where it is today.

Many of you may not have interacted with any of these departments or you may have interacted with them all! Either way, this series is intended to introduce you to the people behind the titles and give you insight into the people who make up Team PKF SCS.

Today, we’re hearing from Karen Davies. She’s one of our Sage Consultants – and if you are a customer of ours then there’s a good chance you’ll speak to her!

Keep reading to find out more about Karen and how her PKF SCS journey began.

We have also featured a range of other team members – catch up on our past articles here.

How did your journey start at PKF SCS?

My Sage journey started when I worked for the prison service, implementing a cut down version of Tetra Chameleon (a product that Sage had acquired and then rebranded).   I was part of a team that implemented this product in all prisons in England & Wales. I then had Sage consultancy roles on various versions of Sage software and ended up working for Price Bailey on Sage 200. We were acquired by PKF SCS and here I am now.

What’s your favourite part of your role?

I love doing the training on Finance modules as this gives me the chance to meet the customers and visit different sites.

Did you always want to work within software, specifically within Sage?

I had no clue what I wanted to do when I left school as I was so busy with my exams – and then all of a sudden school was out with no warning! I have always worked with computers one way or another, and Sage just happened.

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve experienced working for PKF SCS, and how have you overcome it?

There have been a few challenges. I have always worked where we had separate IT departments and so not had to install the setup or get involved in the server configuration side of things.  Third party modules are all quite new to me as well, so trying to work my way through those is a big challenge.

How has the Sage landscape changed over the period you’ve been working with it?

It’s changed a lot, as it was not even on SQL when I started! I remember all the headaches of implementing the 1st SQL versions with the locking problems that we had.

That is all for this time around, thank you very much for reading and a huge thank you to Karen for sparing the time to answer our questions!

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